


Create Topup

Parameters that need to be pass for the request create Topup.

Parameters Type Required Description
callback_url string no Callback URL
project_id String Yes Project ID
client_transaction_id String Yes Client Transaction ID
token String Yes Token details view Encryption & Decryption
amount Number Yes Topup Amount
currency_short_code String Yes currency_short_code can get from Currency List
wallet_network_id String No When crypto top-up must required. wallet_network_id can get from Wallet Network
description String No Description.

Create Topup With Normal Type Parameters

  • callback_url: (string, optional) - Callback URL
  • project_id: 1 (string, required) - Project ID
  • client_transaction_id: tp005 (string, required) - Client Transaction ID
  • token: A283F11767FD78C482264E2C1AB3BFE9 (string, required) - Token
  • amount: 100 (number, required) - Topup Amount
  • currency_short_code: vnd (string, required) - Topup Currency Short Code
  • description: null(string, optional) - Description

Response 200 from create normal Topup (application/json)

                        "status": 0,
                        "ret_msg": "Success",
                        "data": {
                            "transaction_id": "TP2203220000001",
                            "client_transaction_id": "tp005",
                            "topup_type": "NORMAL",
                            "from_currency": "VND",
                            "from_amount": "100",
                            "to_currency": "VND",
                            "to_amount": "100.00",
                            "status": "Initial",
                            "created_at": "2022/10/05 23:35:20",
                            "topup_to": {
                                "currency": "VND",
                                "amount": "100",
                                "bank_name": "Techcombank (Example)",
                                "bank_account_name": "VNPAY (Example)",
                                "bank_account_number": "1234567890 (Example)"
                            "token": "1E446D24330C2CBB806F2E7D5058231A"

Create Topup With Crypto Type Parameters

  • callback_url: (string, optional) - Callback URL
  • project_id: 1 (string, required) - Project ID
  • client_transaction_id: tp009 (string, required) - Client Transaction ID
  • token: 54249EE294D14E633BF6437056D57939 (string, required) - Token
  • amount: 100 (number, required) - Topup Amount
  • currency_short_code: ERC (string, required) - Topup Currency Short Code
  • wallet_network_id: WN62427228725da (string, optional) - Topup Wallet Network
  • description: Testing(string, optional) - Description

Response 200 from create crypto Topup (application/json)

                            "status": 0,
                            "ret_msg": "Success",
                            "data": {
                                "transaction_id": "TP2203300000002",
                                "client_transaction_id": "tp009",
                                "topup_type": "CRYPTO",
                                "from_currency": "ERC",
                                "from_amount": "100",
                                "to_currency": "VND",
                                "to_amount": "200000.00",
                                "status": "Initial",
                                "created_at": "2022/03/30 12:47:49",
                                "expire_time": "2022/04/07 12:28:45",
                                "topup_to": {
                                    "currency": "ERC",
                                    "amount": "100",
                                    "exchange_rate": "2000",
                                    "wallet_address": "TYdAxAWC1Vaa2yCbUwEBngifva5zRV5UfW",
                                    "wallet_network_name": "tronscan",
                                    "wallet_network_base_url": ""
                                "token": "CD7FAF7CB11A85314FE97B1D960ACFAE"

Confirm Topup



The HTTP request headers for this API is:


The response format, which is required for operations with a response body. The syntax is:

Accept: multipart/form-data

Parameters that need to be pass for the request confirm topup.

Parameters Type Required Description
project_id String Yes Project ID
client_transaction_id String Yes Client Transaction ID
token String Yes Token details view Encryption & Decryption
transaction_id String Yes VNPAY topup transaction id
status String Yes Status (OK/CANCEL)
payment_slip File No When status is equal to OK and topup type is equal to Normal must required. The support image type have jpg, jpeg, png. This field no need add into sign token.
tx_id String No When status is equal to OK and topup type is equal to Crypto must required

Confirm Normal Topup Parameters

  • project_id: 1 (string, required) - Project ID
  • client_transaction_id: tp007 (string, required) - Client Transaction ID
  • token: 5EDE8F30F9B4737DCBF4418F88EEE582 (string, required) - Token
  • transaction_id: TP2203260000001 (string, required) - VNPAY Topup transaction id
  • status: OK (String, required) - Status (OK/CANCEL)
  • payment_slip: (binary) (File, optional) - Payment Slip
  • tx_id: null (String, optional) - tx_id

Response 200 from confirm settlement (application/json)

                    "status": 0,
                    "ret_msg": "Success",
                    "data": {}

Confirm Crypto Topup Parameters

  • project_id: 1 (string, required) - Project ID
  • client_transaction_id: tp007 (string, required) - Client Transaction ID
  • token: 5EDE8F30F9B4737DCBF4418F88EEE582 (string, required) - Token
  • transaction_id: TP2203260000001 (string, required) - VNPAY Topup transaction id
  • status: OK (String, required) - Status (OK/CANCEL)
  • payment_slip: null (File, optional) - Payment Slip
  • tx_id: 56f1aa5367295c3b0fe6cb2547a1a485c219259a7906adc669412310df13c2b5 (String, optional) - tx_id

Response 200 from confirm settlement (application/json)

                    "status": 0,
                    "ret_msg": "Success",
                    "data": {}

Callback for top-up

            "return_type" => "status-response",
            "type" => "topup",
            "transaction_id" => "TP2021104000001",
            "amount" => "1000",
            "client_transaction" => "testing",
            "currency" => 'VND',
            "return_status" => "approve",
            "remark" => 'test remark',
            "created_at" => '2021-05-05 21:21:21',
            "token": "259680784193BA14739EBABE0B683AEE",

Transaction is approved

return_status : "approve"

Transaction is rejected

return_status : "reject"

Transaction is expired:

return_status : "expire"

Requirement response by merchant

                "status" : "successful"

If didn't get this message, then it will failed, VNPAY only send 3 time for a single callback.